Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentine's Day Safety Tips

Tomorrow, more than any other day of the year, LOVE is in the air. That's right - Valentine's Day is upon us once again. And whatever you're planning for you and your sweetheart, it's important to remember that any small errors in judgement can lead to huge safety issues. This Valentine's Day keep in mind these basic tips that can help avoid some major problems.

Kindle the Romance - Not the House

Candlelight, crackling fireplaces, outdoor torches - these are all synonymous with Valentine's Day plans. When supervised properly they pose little risks, but can quickly turn into a burning inferno. We advise the following:
Blow out candles when you leave the room.
Keep clothing, bankets, pillows etc away from any open flames.
If your fireplace hasn't been used in a while, inspect and test it beforehand. They're not only potential fire hazards but also a carbon monoxide danger.
Meals forgotten about int he oven or on the stovetop can lead to fires. Consider using timers to remind you of the meal.

Travelling? Protect Your Home

A romantic getaway is a great way to say "I love you" but nothing spoils the mood faster than finding out your home has been broken into. Simply follow these few security tips:
Use timers for your lights and radio's to give the impression of an occupied house.
Consider leaving a vehicle int he driveway.
Check all locks on windows and doors, especially those on the lower floor.

Rooftop Risks

Flat rooftops can make for romantic views, but these areas were not designed as extended living spaces. Consider these precautions:
"Flat" rooftops are not completely flat, often have a slight pitch to them which can be dangerous to stand on.
Weather damage can cause flat rooftops to be warped or pitted, which creates trip hazards.
Walking on rooftops can cause damage to protective coating, increasing the chances of leaks in the future.

Remember that each situation is different and these are only general guidelines, so make sure you've kept an eye out to keep you and your loved one safe. If you have any special tips you'd like to share, feel free to leave them on the comments section below.