Friday 7 March 2014


Life. Every day we consume its very existence. We breathe it in, we kick it around, make it do our bidding whilst we tread among ourselves during our daily escapades towards a fulfilling and prosperous future.

Have you ever taken a step back, stood still for a while and watched those around you. Do we not resemble a group of mindless zombies moving from one place to the next? Each person with his or her own set of goals to achieve for the day. I wander, do they ever stop and think of the value in the direction they’re going, do they ever wander if that heading really means that much to them. Are they merely just fulfilling another’s quest?

Look down to your feet, notice how your shoes have worn out to the style of your trot. Look at your hands, notice the way the skin creases and wraps over the bones and muscles, those hands have fed you, have given you hope, have given you your future and will continuously shape it to your will. Have a look at yourself in the mirror, the color of your eyes, the waves of your hair, the embossment of your smile. It’s what brought you your fame and fortune. It’s what houses your dreams and memories.

Do you truly value that which has been bestowed to you? Do you ever take a second to admire that which you have become? For some of us, we are quite happy with where we are and the direction we’re heading. But many of the lost wander the cities and landscapes unawares to where they’re heading. Unknown to them is the existence of their bright future. Known to them are the pains and pleasures of daily directionless routines.

We put more planning into our weekend away trips than we put into our futures. It’s sad really.

I put forth to you a challenge. A challenge that requires only but a pen, paper, and that beautiful bundle of flesh we know as your mind. Close your eyes and roam your dreams. Be like a little child and play around in them wearing your favorite superhero’s outfit. It is in those dreams you’ll find your heading, your future, your happiness. It is in that process that you’ll discover who you really are and where you really want to be.

Don’t accept the circumstances you currently reside in. Take your dreams and set it to your destiny, then break it up into easy manageable little steps. Then, with those steps and goals set, venture back out into life. But this time, as you venture into it, you’ll have a map and a compass to show you your heading. Follow that heading with all your might, with all your strength, happiness, and hope and take on and conquer those little steps, one by one, till you reach that fat daddy juicy burger which is your dream!

You have right now the power to change your future, you, and only you can make it a reality. No one is going to hand it to you through a window with extra fries and a cool drink. You need to go out and get it.

Help those along the way, empower those who work for you to sore higher than they ever sored before. Many lead by the whip, but you, you will lead by the carrot. Let us bestow on them the knowledge which bears fruit, the wisdom that grants them happiness and glory.  Skills can do that for you. If you but only allow us to do so.

Life, everyday it consumes our very existence. We breathe it in, we kick it around, make it do our bidding whilst we tread among ourselves during our daily escapades towards a fulfilling and prosperous future.

Contact us for our range of Business and Personal Developmentcourses. We will empower, we will educate, we will show them the way of success and they ways to a better future.

(This is an original article by our Sales & Marketing Manager, Dalwyn Diesel-Reynolds)