Friday 6 September 2013

Top 10 Safe Driving Tips

Driving. An activity that a lot of us are involved in daily. Do we know how to perform this activity safely? We were taught the rights and the wrongs when going through classes and drivers tests, but how long ago was that? Do we still remember it all?

If some of  the questions above made you think a bit, then perhaps take a look at some of the safety tips below. Even if you are confident that you're a safe driver, it is always good to refresh your knowledge & skills.

So here are our Top 10 Safe Driving Tips:

10. Don't Drive Drunk

Most of the accidents on our roads is due to alcohol use. Intoxication reduces reaction time and coordination and lowers inhibitions, which can cause drivers to make foolish decisions.

If you have been drinking, rather ask a sober friend for a ride or call cab. With all the designated driver services available you really do not have an excuse!

9. Don't Speed

"Speed kills". Research shows that for every little bit faster you drive, the likelihood of your being in an accident increases by 4-5%.

Going fast may look like fun but it could cost a life, whether it be yours or someone elses.

8. Avoid Distractions

Texting or talking on your cell phone whilst driving is a big distraction that can reduce reaction time by up to 20%. Other activities such as eating, applying make-up, fiddling with electronic devices and interacting with passengers also divert driver's attention from the road.

"Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel" Jim Morrison.

7. Don't Drive Drowsy
We may think that a few yawns doesn't mean anything, but just being a little tired, drowsy or fatigued can increase your risk of being in an accident. AT highway speeds, one or two seconds of inattention can lead to disaster.

The solution is simple: get a better night's rest. Make sure you regularly get a solid 8 hours sleep every night.

6. Wear Your Seatbelt

If worn properly, seatbelts can prevent you from being thrown around the inside of a crashing vehicle. Event at low-speeds, wearing a seatbelt will prevent from from being propelled into the dashboard or windows shoudl there be an accident.

We all hear stories of people who would have survived if they had not been wearing a seatbelt, but even if true, those stories are exaggerated and also anomilies.

There are tips 10 - 6 that you can think about and apply to your driving. See how many you can stick to. Next week we'll bring you tips 5- 1.

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