Friday 21 June 2013

Daily Safety Tips for the Workplace

Creating a safe working environment not only means your employees have a safe place to work, it prevents unnecessary accidents... and lawsuits! By giving your company's employees a list of daily safety tips you will help them become more aware of the safety challenges within the workplace and learn how to prevent them.

Each workplace is different, but there are a few general safety tips that apply to most workplaces that can help you get started with a list.

1. Workplace Equipment
Your company's industry and services determine the type of equipment employees will be working with or around. Consider these different types of equipment your employees are faced with in their daily tasks so you can devise a detailed list of daily precautions.

Some common office safety procedures may include using computer virus protection programs, avoiding downloading unknown attachments, keeping walkways clear from wires and cords and keeping liquids away from electric equipment such as computers.

Some common safety considerations for factories or industrial environments include wearing safety gear such as goggles, turning machines off when not in use and inspecting equipment regularly.

2. Break Room & Kitchen Safety
Items used to cook, make and store food can pose safety risks in the workplace due to germs and fire hazards. Create a safety checklist for your company's break room and kitchen.

Some common safety precautions for workplace eating areas include turning off coffee makers after use, not placing flammable materials such as foil in the microwave, taking food home daily or weekly to keep the fridge clear of spoiled foods and washing hands before eating.

3. Germs & Diseases
Germs and diseases are a common workplace threat, as they can spread quickly and cause sickness and productivity losses. You can reduce the spread of germs in your workplace by encouraging employees to stay home when they are sick.

Incorporate bathroom and eating hygiene in your safety tips by including policies such as washing hands after using the restroom and washing hands before eating. Make sure eating and restroom areas are kept clean, and let employees know what they need to do to help keep these areas clean.

4. Personal Safety
Some common precautions are to have the last person to leave lock up the building and tell employees to ask for security escorts to the parking lot at night or when they feel at risk.

Have a clear no-weapons policy and no fighting policy. Having a no-tolerance policy for workplace harassment and bullying will also help your employees feel safer and prevent lawsuits.

As most companies vary you will most likely need to add one or two more tips applicable to your industry and workplace, giving your employees the safest possible workplace you can.

If you feel you need assistance on identifying all the hazards and risks in your workplace, then we suggest you give yourself the proper training required for such a task. For more information on all safety training courses, you may contact our call centre on 086 100 7742 or email

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