Thursday 7 August 2014

DOL postpones construction health and safety registration

The Chief Inspector of Labour postponed construction health and safety registration with the SACPCMP until August 2015.

The draft Government Notice circulated on 5 August 2014, headed ‘Notice regarding application of the Construction Regulations 2014’, follows general criticism of greay areas in the regulations and impracticalities in its implementation.

Under Section 40 (3)(b) of the OHS Act, chief inspector Thobile Lamati grant temporary exemptions regarding SACPCMP registration, under Section 5(8), for these categories of construction health and safety professionals until 6 August 2015;
  • Regulation 5 (7)(b) Construction Health and Safety Agent as in sub-regulation (5) and (6);
  • Regulation 8 (6) Construction Health and Safety Officer as appointed by a Contractor.
The draft notice will be Gazetted soon, probably on 8 August.

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