Friday 13 September 2013

Top 10 Safe Driving Tips (Cont.)

Last week we brought you tips 10 to 6 from our Top 10 Safe Driving Tips. This week we finish off the list with tips 5 to 1. So buckle up, look left & right, check your blindspots and let's get going.

5. Be Extra Careful in Bad Weather

If you're driving through thick fog, mist, heavy rain, a snow storm or on icy roads, be extra cautious. Drive below the speed limit and make sure you leave extra space between you and other vehicles.

If, for whatever reason, you have gone off the road, switch OFFf your lights. Should the weather not be very clear, when they see your lights, they'll drive towards you thinking you're driving on the road.

4. Don't Follow Too Closely

Always make sure there is enough space between you and the car ahead, leaving enough time for you to react should the car ahead come to a sudden stop or involved in a collission.

It's not always easy to recommend an exact distance, but experts recommend the "3 second rule".

3. Watch Out for the Other Guy

Unfortunately sometimes it doesn't matter how safely you drive, somebody else can always make an error and crash into you. Be prepared for unpredictable lane changes, sudden stops, swerving, unsignaled turns etc.

2. Practice Defensive Driving

Remember that one driver that came flying down the street out of nowhere, cut you off and almost caused a huge accident? We all know THAT GUY... don't be THAT GUY!

Aggressive driving is dangerous driving.

And our Number 1 Safe Driving Tip:

1. Keep Your Vehicle Safe

Vehicle maintenance isn't just a good way to extend your car's life - it's a major safety issue too!

Even though qualified mechanics service your vehicle, it's is still months between these services, so car owners need to be aware of any potential safety issues and get them repaired before they lead to an accident.

So there you have it, the Top 10 Safe Driving Tips. Use it, share it and make the roads we travel daily a safer place!

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